Moldavite (Authentic) | Natural Specimen No. 6

Authentic Moldavite natural specimen. 6

Approx. Size: 28mm x 25mm x 18mm

Approx. Weight: 10.3 grams,

Price is for 1 piece as seen in the photos, this is the piece you will receive

Moldavite is the result of a meteorite crashing to earth in the area known as the Bohemian Plateau of the Czech Republic approximately 14.8 million years ago. For this reason Moldavite has in  intense frequency which creates massive transformation, cleansing and change on all levels, activating the entire Chakra column, stimulates Kundalini, opens psychic channels and propels you into your future with the force of a hurricane.  Don’t be scared it’s usually  the cosmic ‘boot in the butt” you need to dislodge debris from your life and kick start you on your spiritual development. Be ready and willing to face and release whatever you have been allowing to hold you back. You will either go kicking and screaming or you will go gracefully and willing either way you WILL go!  The cosmic atunement stone is an excellent communication device for talking with those who have crossed over. Powerful dream enhancer, must be used in moderation until you get use to the power, if not you may experience physical symptoms such as headache, nausea, hot flashes and dizziness.  Pair it up with Labradorite to soften the intensity. You must respect it! If you are truly ready to move forward on your path, Moldavite is for you. For enhanced vision pair it up with Herkimer Diamond, Libyan Desert Glass increases Moldavites effect on the Solar Plexus Chakra the place of personal power and will. This is a powerful Tektite, respect it! (Naisha Ahsian Book of stones)

Country of Origin: Czech Republic

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